(760) 691-0964 [email protected]

In February 2022, the Vista City Council amended the General Plan to rezone a 17-acre property on Vista Grande Drive (off of Warmlands Avenue).  The original zoning of 1 acre lots was changed to ½ acre lots, allowing for 25 homes instead of 14 homes.  This is a terrible precedent that will lead to the loss of more rural land, because all future land owners will request (and receive) the higher density zoning.  And this land is adjacent to the Strawberry Hill Farm, putting it very much at risk!


This is a suburban subdivision, not a semi-rural housing pattern.

We opposed this General Plan Amendment because doubling the density on this high-fire-risk land will:
  • Increase risk from wildfires and evacuations
  • Cause loss of open space and semi-rural community character
  • Facilitate the conversion of adjacent prime farmland (Strawberry Hill) to sprawl housing development
  • Increase traffic congestion, air pollution, and greenhouse gasses 
  • Cause loss of views (and dark night skies) by allowing building on ridgelines
Clearly, the City’s General Plan has no meaning for the majority of City Council members.  As soon as a developer comes along and asks for an amendment, the three longest-serving Council members are happy to oblige.   One could conclude that developer profits are of primary importance to them–not the interests of the greater surrounding community.