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Strawberry Hill Farm will be destroyed if annexed by the City of Vista

Strawberry Hill Farm, over 300 acres just north of the Vista city limits, will fall to the developer’s bulldozer if the proposed annexation by the City of Vista takes place.  The city is currently conducting an Environmental Impact Report (EIR).  GuARD is working to monitor the progress of the EIR and is reaching out to other organizations and groups that can help ensure that a fair and honest EIR is developed.

GuARD opposes this annexation which destroys prime farmland for a sprawling development of 153 “estate homes” (McMansions). This proposed project:

  • Destroys farmland that has a special microclimate and is designated as Prime Farmland, Farmland of Statewide Importance, Unique Farmland, and Farmland of Local Importance.
  • Increases traffic, which is already gridlocked in the morning and evenings.
  • Is incompatible with the semi-rural community character and the goals of the Bonsall Community Plan and the San Diego County General Plan.
  • Increases greenhouse gases and is counter to Smart Growth principles.
  • Endangers biological species and riparian habitat—destroys a large wildlife corridor that extends into a bordering large area of open space.
  • Builds homes in a Very High Fire Danger zone.
  • Will be growth-inducing in the East Vista Way corridor which is currently a scenic road.